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Property Details
ID : 10465
Property Type: House
Area: Ra'anana - David Remez
Size (sqm): 170 Sqm
Ground Size (sqm): 905 Sqm
Floor: 1
Rooms: 5.5
Price: ₪9,900,000 Mortgage Calculator
Map: Map

Airflows :  North South East West
Air Conditioning : 
Parking : 
Security Room : 
Balconies : 


Ilan Rubinstein

Send Ilan Rubinstein a Message

Phone : 077-410-8011
Cell    : 0504-910-604


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Additional Information

Single storey freestanding house in a prominent position located in the centre of Raanana. Situated in an elevated position this house offers easy access for seniors, ample off street parking and a huge private lot.

Potential to extend.

Nearby, parks, schools and the Arts.

Attractive garden and potential to divide into two lots giving an angle to investors.